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Enterprise Profile

Baihan Lin is a neuroscientist at Columbia University and a researcher in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) at IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center. With a PhD in computational neuroscience from Columbia University and an MS in applied mathematics from the University of Washington (UW), Baihan has dedicated his research to developing intelligent systems that can augment human-AI and human-human interactions in healthcare and pioneered the neuroscience-inspired AI approach to the mental health domain. He has held research positions at leading companies such as IBM, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and BGI Genomics. Baihan's research focuses on deep learning, reinforcement learning (RL), and natural language processing (NLP), and has led to deployed real-world applications, such as AI companions for therapists, surrounding and haptics-aware virtual realities, and adaptive technology solutions for adolescents with psychosis risks and children with communication disorders. Baihan is the author of "Reinforcement Learning Methods in Speech and Language Technology" (Springer, 2024) and numerous peer-reviewed publications and patents. He has taught tutorials and courses in international conferences (e.g. INTERSPEECH, WACV) and universities (e.g. Columbia, UW), chaired workshops and symposiums (e.g. IJCAI, SFN), and served on program committees or reviewers for prestigious conferences (e.g. NeurIPS, AAAI). As a scientist, engineer, educator, and inventor, Baihan's expertise in AI, neuroscience and interactive technologies brings a unique perspective to the emerging field of neuroscience-inspired AI and technology.